Christmas Week Day 3: Memory Maker

December 20, 2016

It’s been awhile since IĀ asked for something I wanted rather than needed as a present. Actually, it’s been awhile since I’ve asked for a present at all. This year I for the first time in a long time I had somethingĀ that was a want and not a need: the Fujifilm Instax Mini 90 Neo Classic.

And I got it!

Yes, I opened it. It came in an Amazon box with some other things, what do you want me to do? Early present!


My new fashion statement with it’s first print.

New memory maker. I love having the essence of nostalgia with instant print photos and the way these photos print, it gives just that filter of nostalgia. It’s not meant to give you that superbly crisp, super perfect shot. It’s meant to be a keepsake of a memory. That’s how I feel about it anyway.

I’m one of those keep-the-things-forever-to-look-back-on-someday kinda gals, if you hadn’t noticed. It must have something to do with my bad memory. Either way, I love that feeling of nostalgia. Of course, I’m also scanning the photos I take to keep a digital record because that never hurts as well.

2016.12.08 - 4.jpg


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